and now that we are kidding here, the memory has too any managment type.
The fact is, the only way to manage memory is using Driver (the sys file), it have all free access to it (as james Bond), while user mode can only read/write at address (0000000 to 70000000h) the driver can (0000000 to FFFFFFFF) that good ?
When User mode try to access memory after 70000000 (kernel place), weh receive the pretty BLUE SCREEN !.
Today, all file have the DOS HEADER at all beginning file, may be it DOS FILE or WINDOWS PE FILE,
the question is ? when this stops ?
No ! it´s not a MSDOS file, its WINDOWS PE File, we can see at adress 13C the value 00D0h, the system gets this addess (00D0h) and jump to the relative address of exe file, as we can see below:
Well, and why i´m talink about that ? all the EXE file, carry with it, the old EXE DOS HEADER, really ! this space is stolen and we lost it.
The Old Dos Memory As well (starting 0000h to FFFFF ) yes ! to 1 mega is all lost too, and we can see it, the old adress values that Interrupts call always have used.
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